Google offers a few different ways to let your patients know what you do on your Google Business Profile. You can add categories, and of course also adjust your 750-character description to tell people the services you offer.
Google also allows us to add products and services to the business profile.

There’s often some confusion over which of these to use. Technically services are for intangible services which you sell – such as as physiotherapy, dentistry or counselling – while products are for tangible products such as exercise bands or a toothbrush that you might also happen to sell.
However, there’s nothing to stop you adding your appointments as a product as well as adding them in the services section. So in the services section you might have ‘osteopathy’, whilst in the products section you would have different appointment types and their prices.
There’s a big reason why we might want to do this – services are not normally displayed on your Google Business Profile, but products are. When your Google Business Profile appears, the searcher can immediately see some of the services you offer and your prices. They can then click through to see all the different appointment types available, and click through to a page with more information and booking. Categories you have set up also appear, giving the searcher a quick visual summary of what you do.

Having this information available to the searcher and displayed in such a simple and graphic way is a huge aid to conversion and also makes your clinic look more professional, so it’s an optimisation everyone should be using.