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Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Marketing & SEO
Gynae physios suffer from two problems compared to MSK. First, a vastly lower search volume and vastly smaller target market compared to terms like back pain or sports injuries. Secondly, the target market is much less aware that help is even available, with around two-thirds of women over 35 not being aware that pelvic floor physiotherapy even exists (source: MYCO Survey).
A low volume of search and awareness gives gynae physios the opportunity to market their services a bit differently. Knowledge-building social media adverts, webinars, press articles etc., targeted at the right groups and demographic are far more likely to have a positive effect on women who didn’t know these services were available, than the MSK practitioner trying the same strategy. Nonetheless, SEO is also important. There are patients to be had who will come via search, so let’s get into it.
The Data

The biggest search is for pelvic floor physiotherapy terms which, when all added up, reach a higher search volume than anything else. Optimise your website and service page primarily for ‘pelvic floor physio/therapy/ist’ plus your location, and try to include the other terms such as PT / specialist / therapist as you go along.
Mummy MOT is another term well worth creating a separate service page for if this is a service you offer. Although it’s the second biggest search term on the graph, it is considerably smaller overall than the pelvic floor terms, particularly the physio-related terms.
Women’s health physio is a good term. Although arguably identical to pelvic floor physio mentioned above, it may be worth optimising for this term also, or optimising the website for women’s health physio and focusing an individual page on pelvic floor physio. ‘Women’s health clinic’ is the biggest overall search on the graph, but the intent of the searcher is less clear and may be looking for a range of different services (see incontinence / menopause below).
(Private) pessary fitting / clinic is also a worthwhile search, and the inclusion of ‘private’ in the search terms suggests users are more likely to be happy to pay for the service.
Whilst ‘incontinence’ adds up to a significant amount of searches, here we have to be careful as to the user’s intent. An ‘incontinence clinic’ or ‘incontinence service’ may be offering other services besides physiotherapy, and a private physio is much less likely to be what the user is looking for.
Still, it is always worth building up a repository of conditions on your website. Search volumes tell us the priority but not exclusively what to optimise or create content for. To use an analogy that we don’t search ‘Spanish onion near me’ but rather ‘greengrocer’, the searcher may have already learned that their condition is treated by a pelvic floor physio and make that search. However, on landing on your site and recognising a page about their own particular condition, they are far more likely to consider you a good fit. Constantly broadening your content is also good for SEO.
Menopause Services

I’ve included menopause services with a graph because they are still highly relevant to the gynae physio. However once again we have to be mindful of the search intent – again someone searching ‘menopause clinic’ may be looking for anything from HRT to counselling, and the close to zero searches for ‘menopause physio’ would give us further reason to be cautious. As above, however, the same principles of creating content based on usefulness rather than simply on search, continue to apply.