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Social Media

Social Media for Clinics

We offer professional social media management for clinics as part of our ongoing marketing packages.

We are experts in clinic social media, and have carried out and published social media case studies for Osteopathy Today and our partners at Physio First. We are also partnered with Co-Kinetic, leaders in social content for physical therapy clinics.

Phone screen with social media icons
Results for one of our clients - read case study

Client Testimonials

Social media concept - desk with social media planning notes on
Results for one of our clients - read case study

Understanding Social Media

Many clinics feel they should be using social media but don’t know where to start or how to gain traction.

It’s important to understand the role of social media in marketing your clinic. Typically, social is used for brand building, retention and conversion rather than a way to directly find new patients. Book a call to discuss how social media can fit into your strategy.

Not all services are suitable for everyone. For example website strategy is not relevant if you already have a content-packed website, and monitoring will not improve your SEO without additional SEO work which you can either pay for or we can coach you to do as part of the service. Get in touch using the form below and we’ll discuss the right package to suit your clinic’s particular goals and resources.

Ready to Learn More?

Book a Free Strategy Call with me to discuss the best way forward for your clinic and how we might be able to help.

In a 30-minute call I’ll get to know your business and your goals, and share with you a roadmap for moving forward, including resources that aren’t available on the website.

Whether you choose to use our services or move forward on your own, you’ll be doing so in confidence with a framework to do the right things in the right order.

I look forward to meeting you.

Chris Dann
